Mama Moves – Album Download


Start interacting with your baby through music and movement while pregnant with these 12 songs. Many are set to classical themes for lying down and reflecting / meditating. Others have you up and moving for the cardio vascular exercise you and your baby will benefit from. These songs are also fun to do with your older children, especially “The Baby Belly Dance”.

Regular exercise is important during pregnancy for your well-being and health.  Music is also beneficial to the mother and unborn child.  The activities and songs on this unique CD been known to improve posture, lessen (or prevent) back pain, increase energy level, relieve stress, build stamina needed for labor, improve self-image and will help get your body back sooner after delivery. Whether doing these songs at a Mama Moves Class or in your own home, you will be feeling positive, strong, energized and happy!

Before beginning any exercise program while pregnant, consult your physician.  
