Building Brains with Music Book Cover

Check out my new book!

Every parent or teacher has the capability of using music. Would more of them take the time to sing and dance if they knew how valuable taking the time was? If one of the basic tools for building a brain was music, would you use it? I am handing you that tool right now with this book. Come join me as we begin Building Brains with Music.

Left Brain: Logic, Language, Objective
Mar. composes songs using brain research findings that support the importance of music in overall development.
Mar. presents stimulating workshops to teach others how to put the information to use in a meaningful way
Right Brain: Creativity, Emotion, Subjective
Use music with "E"ase.

Music with Mar. is a company dedicated to bringing quality, brain based music and workshops to children, families, teachers and groups.

Mission Statement– Music with Mar., created by Maryann “Mar.” Harman, is an internationally respected company dedicated to using music and movement to teach children skills they will need for a successful, happy life and train adults on incorporating music into their lives.

Class Philosophy– To provide music activities for an adult / child to participate in together that will aid in the child’s total development while bonding the child and adult and enhancing the adult’s understanding of the importance of their involvement in these classes.

Vision – To provide classes for families and educate qualified individuals to teach the classes/philosophy of Music with Mar. so its power can touch more lives and educate those who work with children to do the same.

To provide workshops for groups wishing to expand their knowledge on the value of music in enhancing our lives and enriching our brains.

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