Building Brains With Music
Every parent or teacher has the capability of using music. Would more of them take the time to sing and dance if they knew how valuable taking the time was? If one of the basic tools for building a brain was music, would you use it? I am handing you that tool right now with this book. Come join me as we begin Building Brains with Music.
Ways to buy the book:
More About The Book
It is great when a book explains the importance of Music but also includes suggestions for the appropriate involvement of young children. Mar. knows the research but she also has experiences with implementing musical activities with infants and young children. This combination of the “Why” and the “How” has created an important book for parents and early childhood educators. Endorsed by Dr. Rebecca Isbell author of “Nurturing Creativity: The Essential Mindset for Young Learners” and Early Childhood Consultant and Professor Emerita.
Who Should Read This Book?
Anyone who has a child in their life, whether as a parent, family member, teacher or someone else involved in the child’s care, should read this book. The information contained will change how you view music. It will not only have a positive, direct impact on the child; it will have an impact on you, the reader, as well.
Why Should You Buy This Book?
A Sampling of Quotes
The author presents compelling evidence to support the wealth of benefits to be gained by engaging in musical activities with young children. Maria Kay, United Kingdom, Educational Consultant/Author “Sound Before Symbol”
On each page of Mar. Harman’s uplifting and engaging book, you’ll marvel at the treasures of brain facts, practical tips, and instantly applicable activities. Holly Elisa Bruno, US, Author, international keynoter, former Maine Assistant Attorney General
I am so excited about this book. It provides suggestions and activities for each stage of development. Dedre van Wyngaard, South Africa, WriteAbility, Occupational Therapist
Maryann is the go to expert when it comes to music and brain health to help children live an extraordinary life. You will not be disappointed in her incredible shares and cares! – This book is a true journey of wonder and delight! Jennifer Green-Blair, Author, Master Trainer, Life Coach and Mindfulness Expert, Canada