The mission of the Music with Mar. program is to get more parents involved with their children in positive activities while using music to prepare them for the future!
CLASS PHILOSOPHY – To provide music activities for adult and child to participate in together which aid in the total development of the child as well as enhancing the adult’s understanding of the importance of involvement in these classes.
VISION – To educate other qualified individuals to teach the classes and philosophy of Music with Mar. so its powerful impact can touch more lives.
What is “Music with Mar.”?
Sharing music together with your child and creating memories while building brains.
There are several music classes available for parents to attend with their children. Pre-registration is not necessary.
What makes “Music with Mar.” different?
Whereas some music classes focus on teaching to the little musician, Music with Mar. classes teach to the whole child using music. The child’s music abilities can be nurtured along with motor, social, language, safety and cognitive skills. A good music foundation for later on as well as an all around good academic foundation is laid out through the use of well thought out lyrics and movements.
Come and enjoy!
Click here to Sign the Guest Book
Materials to supplement the fun
Mr. Froggy and his family (alligator, busy bee wearing sneakers, spiders, dinosaur in egg, monkey, pig and many others) can be ordered by sending an e-mail to Or by attending any Music with Mar. class and purchasing from an instructor or a Certified Center. He costs $15 and would be ‘hOppy’ to join your family. For information on how to access the “Mr. Froggy’s Family Puppet Line, or use them for a fund raiser, send an e-mail to
Mr. Froggy also has a backpack – sold with 6 instruments inside or separately, a CD holder and a tom drum with his picture on it! They are simply unFROGgetable!
Listening Parties
Music with Mar. is now offering “Listening Parties”! That’s right. Invite a MwM instructor and a group of friends to your home. The Instructor will demonstrate how to use all these wonderful materials with your children.
Receive one FREE CD for hosting and earn $$ towards the purchase of more products! Now is a great time to host one as the “Holidaze” are approaching.
And, much more
If you’re interested in:
- how to bring Music with Mar. to your area;
- how you can become licensed to run Music with Mar. classes;
- how to become a certified center;
- how to use Music with Mar. products for a fundraiser;
- how to have a concert; OR
- how to have a listening party,
Please e-mail
I hope you enjoy your visit to my web site. Be sure to visit the list of my upcoming speaking engagements that you may attend. All Music with Mar. events are constantly being updated. So come back and visit and remember, if you instill the love of music in a child, you give them an inexpensive gift that lasts forever. And with that gift of music, you give them your love.classes for classes for parents and babies
hOppy People
Please take time to sign the GUESTBOOK. Its purpose is to help parents/teachers be able to exchange ideas as well as a way to give your thoughts. If you want to respond to someone’s comment, you can do so by clicking on their name. As a teacher, I know that you learn just as much as you teach. When I hear your suggestions, I learn so much. Thank you for sharing them. I look forward to reading!
“Please give the gift of music to all children” – Maryann “Mar.” Harman